Our work spans all phases of the design journey, creating low-impact, livable spaces for generations to come.

Our process


Preliminary design

Our process starts with a technical site analysis to understand the opportunities and constraints, leading to an informed design approach.

1.1 Data
While we walk your property, we use our senses to make notes on flora, fauna, view, sunlight, wind, and microtopography.

From these observations, we derive initial strategies for building position, access, and construction staging.
To help us make the leap from being on the ground to drawing in 2D, we review aerial imagery.

If a drone flight is feasible, we will perform one to get up-to-date and high-resolution imagery.
See surveys
We build a lidar model to quickly and accurately locate the site's topography, vegetation, and structures in 3D.

This is the foundation we use to design grading, view lanes, and solar strategies.
See site model
Both from simulations and from on-site observation, we analyze the sun's annual and daily rhythms to identify key view opportunities to tune the building's siting, shading, and openings, resulting in more a sustainable and responsive architecture.
See examples
Via an online questionnaire, we solicit your free-ranging thoughts about your project: the who, when, where, why, and how of your aspirations.
Take project charter
To develop a legally compliant project, we have to follow the local zoning, building, energy, and jurisdictional codes.

This research becomes the underpinning of our permitting strategy.
Read the code
As a summary of the observations and data gathered thus far in this preliminary design phase, we generate a report that summarizes the strategy, or site approach, with which we will implement your project.
See site approach
From conversations with you and information from the project charter, we craft an initial understanding of the program.

This is typically communicated graphically: which rooms are needed, which are adjacent, and how each relates to the building's orientation and access.
See program study
Staying on budget is as important to us as it is to you.

In this preliminary phase, we establish limits, contingencies, and areas of focus to understand how costs will be distributed across the scope of the project.
Working both forward and backward, we set out milestones, design reviews, and coordination points on a calendar, which we keep up-to-date as work progresses.
See timeline

1.1 Data

1.2 Dreams
As we build a narrative description of your project, we use reference images to develop a vision.

These include images you may have of favorite places or building features, and images we provide of form, structure, or building mass.
See visioning
Using physical and digital media, we sketch ideas about siting, form, massing, and organization.

These are provocations, meant to inspire creativity and drive conceptual ideas forward.
See sketches
We develop a palette of interior and exterior materials—as much for aesthetics as for performance—and to begin to understand the "layers of the sandwich."
See palette
As dreams formalize into a design direction, we typically sketch several layouts to consider.

These are simple drawings in plan and section that orient the building and organize interior and exterior space.
See layouts

1.2 Dreams

1.3 Design options
A digital compilation of many of the data collected earlier on, this plan is the basis of the project: location, access, legal, code, environmental, climatic, utility, and foundation information is summarized here.
See site plan
As we design building configurations, we draw plans that describe walls, doors, windows, built-in furniture, and the specifics of a room's layout.

In this phase, we utilize digital and manual drafting tools to expedite the drawing process.
See floor plans
Along with plans come an orthographic elevation drawing of the building, showing each façade's features, how the building sits on the ground, major exterior features, and of course roof lines.

Early exploration of façade materials, critical datums, and siding details begins here.
See elevations
A plan can yield many different building massings, and this is where we study volume and form.

Roof slope and orientation can have a huge impact on the feeling building, both interior and exterior, and needs to be carefully considered alongside climatic and environmental considerations.
See examples
As we hone in on the design vision, we generate holistic visualizations in a variety of forms: sketch overlays, digital renderings, and photo collages.
See examples
Many jurisdictions require an early permit pre-application to resolve any outstanding code and land use questions.

Even though the design is under development, we generate drawings that capture the overall aspirations of the project and submit an application alongside any supporting information required.
See pre-application

1.3 Design options


Permit documents

In the second phase, we refine our designs, working to create permit-ready documents and ensuring each detail contributes to sustainable and efficient building solutions.

2.1 Details
This is arguably the most important part of design, and often the least seen or touched.

We design our envelopes to last much longer than the average home by utilizing the latest building science to detail air-tightness and moisture management within roofs, walls, and floors.
See details
Whereas its predecessor (Computer Aided Drafting or CAD) created drawings from individual lines, Building Information Modeling (BIM) allows us to build a 3D model in which each component is smart: it knows what material it is, what dimension it is, and often what thermal or structural properties it holds.

From this model, we can generate all the drawings necessary for a permit and construction document set.
See model
Taking off from the Design Options phase, we flesh out the chosen design direction for your home.

This includes specific window and door sizes and operations, furniture locations, built-ins, lighting, appliance locations, kitchen and bathroom layout, etc.
Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems dictate much of the perceived comfort of the home, as well as have a huge impact on the home's energy use.

We work with you (and a builder, if one has been selected) to make best-practice decisions on appliances, equipment, and system specifications for a comfortable, quiet home with as low of an operational energy use as possible.

This is also where we would weigh options like solar panels or geothermal heat pumps.
See schematic
The structural system has a huge impact on how the space feels and the carbon footprint of the building.

We work closely with the engineer to design a structural solution that not only efficiently supports the building form, but also compliments the envelope strategy while and providing any aesthetic details desired—such as exposed beams or cathedral ceilings.
See example
Once the core components are in place, we move to considering the more malleable aspects of the building, such as interior and exterior materials.

Wall panels, tile, flooring, casework, countertops, and color palette are all on the table.
See outline
We use software to simulate both daily and seasonal patterns of temperature, humidity, sunlight, and wind in order to test how the home's passive and active components will perform.

Will it get too hot in the summer and use excessive energy to cool the interior? Will it get too cold in the winter and use excessive energy to heat the interior?

With this information, we make informed tweaks to the design and re-test.
See modeling
Every material has an embodied energy use that include raw material extraction, manufacturing and processing, transportation, use and retail, and end-of-life.

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) opens up design decisions that allow us to reduce how impactful the building is not just to operate, but to build.
See assessment

2.1 Details

2.2 Documentation
This is the core of design production.

All the hours of refinement through data harvesting, detailing, and material selection come together in a digitally-drafted set of drawings.

This document is the tool for obtaining the building permit and the basis of construction.
See sheet set
While drafting the sheet set, we review, analyze, and refer to to legally enforced building codes ranging from the International Residential Code to regional energy codes to the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code.

Codes not only give us parameters to design to, but set the limits of what is possible to build.
We submit an application for a building permit to the local jurisdiction, on your behalf by coordinating the sheet set, the engineer's drawings and calculations, and supporting forms.

This process—from obtaining an intake appointment to the final issuance of permit—can take anywhere from weeks to months.
See application

2.2 Documentation


Construction support

We continue actively supporting the construction process, providing collaborative supervision to ensure a lasting execution and the accurate realization of a sustainable home.

3.1 Dispatch
After our primary production of the sheet set has been completed, and frequently while the permit process is pending, we take time to go inside.

We elevate any interior walls would benefit from locating fixtures, switches, outlets, blocking, or furnishings.

This also helps evaluate any custom built-ins or casework, such as for kitchens, bathrooms, and shelving.
See interior elevations
If the project includes custom fabrication of furniture or millwork, we detail the form, materials, joinery, and receiving context in the building.

We submit a specific set of drawings to the millwork fabricator and engage in close coordination that involves exchanging finish samples, mock-ups, and collaborative detailing discussions.
See millwork drawings
There are often elements that are best detailed at this part o the process, e.g. an outdoor trellis, an exterior bench, or a custom light fixture.

We deep dive on detailed design where needed, and consult with allied professionals when required.
See details
We have experience designing landscapes! We design planting, materials, features, drainage, and grading to seamlessly blend interior and exterior.

We focus on native drought-tolerant plants, low-maintenance materials, and generally low-impact landscapes that blend with surrounding natural ecologies.
See landscape design
Specifications are a text-based, sectioned list of every material, product, appliance, equipment, fixture, and component the contractor would need to build the home.

Some specifications are prescriptive (i.e. use this brand and type of caulk) and some are performance-based (i.e. the caulk must be elastomeric).

We have a lot of excellent products we draw from as we tailor the list to your home.
See specifications

3.1 Dispatch

3.2 Direction
When shovels hit the dirt, we begin to coordinate closely with your builder. We communicate remotely and through site visits to observe many phases of construction.

We are looking to ensure the actual home matches the contract documents (the contract terms, the sheet set, and the specifications), discussing discoveries and unique conditions, and providing guidance and supplemental drawings and specifications as needed to accomplish building the design.
In the course of observation and communication, we ensure that care is being taken with materials and protection, that appropriate methods of construction and installation are utilized, and that industry best-practices are being followed so that you receive the highest quality product—and what you are expecting!
See example
Throughout design and construction, we advocate for your needs and wishes. Our primary role is to serve you.

During construction, we handle day-to-day communication with the builder and elevate questions to you only when important.

We also review builder pay applications by confirming the work completed to date and provided receipts.
While we aspire to draw in such a way that the builder has every piece of information needed upfront, there is so much propensity for change that inevitably some supplemental explanation will be required.

If the builder has a question, we do everything we can to help answer it via phone calls, emails, sharing references, and providing drawings.
Both in early pricing efforts and during the course of construction, builders need to know exactly how much of something will be needed.

Using our BIM model, we can quickly and easily generate accurate material areas and volumes to aid the builder's purchasing.

This level of accuracy passes savings onto you with less material waste and fewer builder hours of overhead.
See takeoff
Changes happen!

Throughout construction, and with the help of site visits and close coordination with the builder, we can provide an up-to-date set of drawings that shows exactly what was built, so that you will always know what is behind those walls.
See as-builts

3.2 Direction